
February 2nd,  2024

By Karine Vandenborre

Playing With Your Horse

Playing with your horse helps build a strong friendship between you and your horse. When you play together, it's not just fun – it makes you understand each other much better, strengthening the horse-human team.

Many horses love The Chase Game. Why? Because it's in a horse's nature to drive and herd.

This game can make unconfident horses feel more confident. It helps horses feel more energetic and powerful. It aids shut-down horses in opening up again and interacting more with the world around them.

The Chase Game is played at true liberty. True liberty is the most natural way of being for horses because they can express themselves fully. With True Liberty, I mean no pressure, no join-ups, no tricks to make them stick to you.

During The Chase Game, the horse is free to choose whether he wants to play this or not, and free to stop the game if they don't feel like it anymore– that's totally fine!

Remember, playing is only fun if it's voluntary.

With love,

Have you seen our Liberty Connection Program?

If want to learn exactly how to communicate with horses in liberty, and create the wonderful and heartfelt relationship
you've always envisioned, our Liberty Connection Program is what you need. It shows you how to get to that deeper level
of communication so you can finally have that connectionwith your horse you've been dreaming of