Listen to the Horsefulness Training podcast

Made for Open minded and Mindful horsewomen

Welcome to an empowering space created for horsewomen just like you, who feel there must be another way, a way that is more aligned to who you are as a gentle-hearted horsewoman.

We're here to learn about natural connection and meaningful communication with horses, and to cultivate more awareness and mindfulness.

Drawing from my experience as a horsewoman and Horsefulness Training Coach, I've learned many valuable insights that I love to share with you in this podcast.

So let's dive into tips, stories, and wisdom that will enrich your life as a horsewoman.

Grab a cup of tea, take a seat, relax and...  enjoy the podcast!

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What we talk about on the podcast...

Liberty Connection work

Connecting with horses in true liberty, bonding naturally, body language and meaningful communication, untraining, ...

Mindful Training

Training your horse on the ground & in the saddle, in connection and with awareness & mindfulness.

Your development as a mindful horsewomen

Breath and body awareness, mindfulness, energy, developing more feel, intuitive communication, ...

Horsefulness Training podcast about liberty and groundwork with horses

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