
True liberty: ditch the treats, build a natural connection!

It’s time to talk about something that’s becoming far too common in the so-called "true liberty" training world: using food treats to get horses to make contact and connect. True liberty and connection have nothing to do with food rewards. If you’re using treats to “train” a horse to spend time with you, it’s not liberty — it’s conditioning.

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Tranformative lessons from my horsewomanship journey

Everything comes in its own time, and everything I’ve been through with horses since I started at 13 has shaped me into the horsewoman I am today. All my learning experiences have also shaped Horsefulness Training into what it is now. With ups and downs, with important life and horsewomanship lessons ...

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Playing with your horse

Playing with your horse helps build a strong friendship between you and your horse. When you play together, it's not just fun – it makes you understand each other much better, strengthening the horse-human team.Many horses love The Chase Game. Why?

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Liberty Connection Training: 6 tips

Tip #1 - Horses are attracted to people who are calm and centered. Bringing your awareness to your breath is the simplest way to (re)connect with yourself. It's free, it's simple and it's effective! Even only giving attention to your breath will already make ...

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Joey’s traumatic experience as a foal

Joey was about 4 months old when he was taken from his mother in a brutal and aggressive way. Three strong men cornered him to grab him, then they forced him to go on a trailer without his mother while screaming at him and hitting him with a whip.

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Pure presence with horses

Pure presence with horsesWhenever I leave my house because I need to travel, I always say goodbye to my horses, no matter how short my travel will be. So the evening before

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Lila plays the “Chase Game”

When we think about playing horses, we often see the image of young frolicking horses running behind each other in the meadow, bucking and playing dominance games. That’s right, of course, young horses play..

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An enthusiastic greeting

Latte is the 13 year old mare of Diana, from the UK. Diane is a member of the Horsefulness Liberty Training Program. Diane posted the video and comment below in the Members Facebook Group. “I just wanted to..

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