Privacy Policy

Personal data protection

We take the protection of personal data very seriously. Your personal information will only be used in order to send the magazine, the newsletter and, if desired, relevant information.

In addition, your data can be used as a basis for research into opportunities for further optimization of our services. In such case, personal data are anonymised and no longer retraceable to an individual person.

Respect for privacy is considered a prerequisite for a dignified existence and one of the foundations of our legal system. Everyone is entitled to protection against the uncontrolled collection, processing and dissemination of personal data.

We agree with the above-mentioned statement of the Data Protection Authority, responsible for the independent compliance with the Data Protection Act. The Data Protection Act determines that personal data may only be processed for specified purposes. We use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • For the preparation and implementation of agreements between you and us (such as subscriptions and test numbers);
  • In order to inform you about relevant products and services, including communication within the context of loyalty actions (such as newsletters);
  • For product development and the procurement of information to optimize our services (for example, changes to our website);
  • To prevent, control and deal with fraud.

We select our partners with great care. Any collaboration will always be attended with great concern for privacy. Unfortunately, in consideration of the aforementioned, we cannot or only limitedly accept responsibility for the way other parties and/or institutions process anonymous or personal data. For further information contact the relevant party or institution.

If we process personal data in order to gain your interest in our products and services, you can write a statement of opposition against it at any time and without charge. We will then immediately stop processing your personal data. Your requests and statements should be sent to:

The content of this page may change without notice. Consult this information regularly in order for you to always use our website in acceptance of the most current privacy rules.

This site is not part of the Facebook or Instagram website or Meta Platforms Inc. Furthermore, this site is in no way endorsed by Facebook or Instagram.
FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM are trademarks of Meta Platforms, Inc.

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We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.

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