Clinic at New Barn Stables, UK

What a wonderful 3 day clinic it was at New Barn Stables, Kent (UK)  from the 11th till the 13th of November. I enjoyed to coach and teach all those wonderful horses and open minded participants who were really eager to learn!

Six students with horse participated and there were also participants without a horse and amongst them there were members of the online HLTP, so it was great to finally meet them and connect with them live!

Individual lessons

Each day every participant with horse had 2 lessons with their own horse.

Kathleen Beesley and Tanseem, a 16yrs old Arabian gelding.
Kay Swabey, Fabio (7 yrs old stallion) and Salut (6 yrs old gelding).
Celia and Bailey (11 yrs old gelding)
~ Nicola Studd and Clive (12 yrs old gelding)
Natasha and Paddington (8 yrs old gelding)
Julie Anne and Timmy (20 yrs old Haflinger gelding)

Amongst the particpants there were people with really a lot of experience with horses and people with only a few years of experience. Most of them however had no or very little experience with liberty work and groundwork, so it was really great to guide them and see how they took beautiful steps towards a better understanding , connection and communication with their horse!

Group sessions

We also had 1 or 2 group sessions a day in which the participants could experience

– the difference with being “in your head” versus “being in you body”
– how it felt to be grounded and how to become more grounded very quickly
– the simple but very effective “here and now technique” and how you can reach your “silent space” by applying this technique
– the difference between “being out of the contact” and “in the contact” with a human or equine partner, physical as well as not physical (while touching or without touching each other)
– how it felt for the horse if a human is leading in togetherness/in the contact or out of the contact
– how you can feel and generate energy within yourself

An impression of the individual lessons

Liberty Training



Some Groundwork pictures

Gymnastic Groundwork


Giving Baily more trust in the whip and working on his negative association with lunging


The power of the group

Group sessions



I also received some beautiful testimonials by mail from the participants.

Martha Gibbons: I have recently attended a three day horse clinic in Kent ran by Karine. I was already familiar with her training methods as I have been following the Horsefulness online programme, which I highly recommend. I was a spectator at the clinic. Karine is a wonderful teacher who will only intervene when necessary, allowing her students to complete a set task having given them very clear instructions. Her understanding of horses is incredible and it proves that the groundwork can be done with very little aids by knowing the power of body language. Watching her work in flesh gave me a vast amount of new enthusiasm and inspiration to continue on a journey with my horse.
I wish Karine moved to England!

Kathleen Beesley: For me the clinic with Karine brought to life concepts that I had long been aware of – like energy and connection – but on a practical level with my horse I was struggling with, despite the fact that I have practiced yoga for many years.  It is one thing to hear that we need to be grounded and centred in order to work with horses, but for the first time I actually had the opportunity to feel it for the first time.  This is the kind of experience you cannot get from a book – or even 100 books!  The clinic was an incredible experience and I can thoroughly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a better
understanding of connection, energy and softness with there equine companions.

Nicola Studd: Hi Karine, I’d like to say how much I enjoyed the Horsefulness Training Clinic last weekend. Your presence was calming and warming, which was a huge help for those of us who were a bit nervous. You taught me some invaluable tools to take with me going forward. Mindfulness and finding my inner calm have helped me to control my nerves and negative thoughts. I felt so much closer and better connected to my horse by the end of the clinic, something that can be a challenge to do in my busy lifestyle. So thank you for all you have helped me with, not only have you given me these tools for equitation but also for my day to day life xxx

Allison Foley: Karine, I found your teaching so inspiring. You are so experienced and knowledgeable and make everything look so easy.  Although there were so many thoughts, tips and methods to try, the most important thing that I will take away from the 3 day clinic is that you need to firstly connect and ground yourself before going to your horse and when you lead your horse stay connected to him as you walk thinking about every step you take and inviting your horse to come too. I have started to do this with my horse and it makes such a difference.
I would not hesitate to recommend you as a trainer, you know exactly what people and their horse need to progress together as a partnership.

Some more atmospheric pictures


Thank you Kathleen for the organisation and taking all those beautiful pictures!
And of course also Kay for making her  accomodation available and help in the organisation!

New barn Stables Facebookpage

New Barn Stables Website

