
January 31st,  2024

By Karine Vandenborre

3 extra tips for successful groundwork

Yesterday I wrote you about the importance of Basic Groundwork, and the pivotal role it plays. Today I want to give you 3 extra tips for successful groundwork. Here we go:

Tip 1 - Regularity and Repetition = good results.

It's better to practice only 2 times a week and do that for a long time, instead of one week practicing every day, the next week only 1 time, the week after not, the next week 3 times, etc. This is irregular training and the results will be irregular too.

And, when it comes to repetition: it's good to repeat until it goes a bit better, then stop. Too little repetition and the horse will not make progress, too much repetition and the horse will get bored.

Tip 2 - Praise, Pause, Reward, Relax

Sometimes you will praise with words, sometimes you will pause, sometimes you will reward with a treat or scratch, and sometimes you will do something that relaxes your horse, like grazing or massaging the horse.

When you don't praise, pause, reward and relax enough during and after the training session, the horse will lose his motivation.

However: for some horses and situations, you can also praise, pause, reward en relax too much. Doing this at the wrong moment can get you and the horse out of the flow of the exercise, the learning stops, or the horse gets distracted.

Try to find the right moment for praise, pause, reward and relax.

Tip 3 - Be mindful, intentional and logical

Stay grounded, calm and mindful about what the horse feels/needs.

Be intentional = have a clear plan and vision about what you like the horse to learn/understand + work with a loving intention.

Be logical= think about the steps you need to take, and don't skip important steps. Start with A, then B, Then C ...

Do you want to enhance your groundwork skills?

If you're eager to enhance your groundwork skills with a mindful, horse-friendly and logical approach, our Basic Groundwork Program has you covered. It includes all the essential exercises for you and your horse.

Rest assured, throughout the program, I'm here to support you every step of the way. Your journey is accompanied by my guidance, ensuring that every question you have finds a solution. It's as if I'm right there with you.

For additional details, visit our page: https://horsefulnesstraining.com/basic-groundwork-program/

With love,
-- Karine