Helping horsewomen and their horse thrive together

You've finally found your herd

Many horsewomen struggle with their horse in one way or another. Chances are, you do too. You feel unsure and frustrated. In your quest for a solution, you're likely overcomplicating things.

I can show you a simpler way — a path to natural connection, meaningful communication, and more joy with your horse. But also, mindful and successful training, and greater fulfillment in your horsewoman life.

Let me guide you,
start your journey here

Free-training-help-your-horse-move-from trauma-to trust

Free Training:
help your horse move from trauma to trust

A simple and enjoyable way to work with your challenging or traumatised horse. 

And above all, a natural way: no treats, no tricks, no pressure!

Blaze and I are making great progress. Our relationship is better than ever, and we are enjoying the Liberty journey. I am so grateful to have found this, it was exactly what we needed! Incidentally, I was recently invited to observe a clinic that made me even more grateful, as the clinic was about “Forcefulness”, definitely not Horsefulness! It’s sad to me that dominance and fear-based training are still popular, but I do know many compassionate horse owners and I hope to be a positive influence.

Cheryl Rowe - USA

Dear Karine, thank you for all your support which is a big win for me and for thousands of people and horses. It's the answer to the disorientation and all the questionable dogmas which still rule the horse world. It shows a new, silent, harmonic and deeply fulfilling way to become aware of that what is really important in the relationship with our horse partners. It just makes THE difference.  I am so grateful for all the insights it gave and still gives me.  Thank you so much!

Bettina Hersberger - Switzerland

Inspiration & tips

Latest blog posts


Trauma in Horses: When Your Dream Horse Comes with a Painful Past



True liberty: ditch the treats, build a natural connection!

horse-doesn't want to be touched

Why Your Horse Is Difficult to Touch and How to Build Trust: First Steps Toward a Lasting Bond

Featured in:

the whole horse podcast
the whole horse podcast
the equine voice international horse summit

Free e-book

Advent Together: 24 Daily Moments with Your Horse

Only available for a short period of time.



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