Liberty Connection Work™ = The Foundation!

Many horsewomen struggle with their horse in one way or another. Maybe you are dealing with some challenges too. Maybe you feel unsure and frustrated about that, and are overcomplicating things in your search for a solution...   You have to know, that things can be much more simple!

When you have a problem with your horse, when you want to prevent problems in the future, or simply when you want the daily handling and training of your horse to be as succesful as possible, it's of major importance that you start with the foundation.  A strong relationship and a natural connection with your horse is what should be your #1-priority.  Thát's the foundation. Yep,  it's as simple as that.  No need to overcomplicate things. 

If you focus on natural connection and meaningful communication, the most important step is taken. From that place of true connection, you will be able to overcome the challenges with your horse much easier. Why?  Because communicating in liberty is the most natural form of communication for horses.  So also if you don't have problems with your horse, it's important to take your time for Liberty Connection Work™.  

Mind you, I'm not talking about "Liberty Training", in which horses are trained to stick to their human in a round pen, or picadeiro with the use of pressure - the famous "join-up" (which can be very harming for the horse).

I'm also not talking about the kind of liberty training in which horses are trained with clickertraining at liberty.  Although that can be a lot of fun and many beautiful things can be trained that way, this is not the kind of liberty 'm talking about. 

No, Liberty Connection Work is something totally different than liberty training.  During liberty training horses are "trained" to do something the trainer wants the horse to do.  During Liberty Connection Work we don't "train" the horse to come to us, do a join-up or a follow-up.  We don't train the horse to come back to us when he leaves our side, like in many Liberty Training methods.  The goal of Liberty Connection Work is building a natural connection, this means that we connect with our horse like horses connect with each other.  We give the horse freedom and a voice. No pressure, no tricks, no treats, no quick-fixes.  

Only natural connection and meaningful communication.

This means that during Liberty Connection Work the horse is allowed to say no, to leave our side, to not interact even.  Yes, we can try to invite the horse to come, to follow us, to interact.  But if the horse says no, we respect that, and we don't use pressure to make the horse change his mind.

That's why during Liberty Connection Work you work with a horse that is set loose in a big arena or even in a field. You don´t hold the horse but you give it the freedom to leave your side when it feels the need to.
This enables the horse to not feel any form of pressure or force. Because the main goal of Liberty Connection Work is to strongly bond with your horse and for a natural connection between you and your horse to arise, and that can only occur when the horse feels free to express himself.

Horses also use space and distance to communicate.  If they don't get that space and distance when you are still developing trust and connection, their communication is totally different. As we want to communicate in the most natural and meaningful way with our horse, this means we can't work in a round-pen or picadeiro, as the horse can not take the distance it needs in such a small pen. 

For many horses, that are not yet 100% at ease with their human (and believe me, many horses still have that, although their handlers miss those signals...) this creates tension, distrust, defensiveness, or a feeling of helplessness. 
That's not a good emotional state to start building a relationship...

A true connection with your horse in liberty

Liberty Connection Work is also about giving a horse the time to start trusting you, connecting with you, and building a bond with you.  

After working professionally with horses and their humans for almost 30 years now,  I know that almost everybody starts training their horses too fast without there being any opportunity to truly get to know one another or build the foundation for a good relationship first.

However, when you take your time to work with your horse at true liberty (true liberty = in a big arena or field),  and do all of this in a kind and friendly way, you will deeply connect and eventually feel the strong bond needed to enjoy pleasant problem free interaction and training sessions.

Horses first need the opportunity to become curious about “their human”. Trust and friendship grows from there. Also, at liberty we develop skills to be able to guide and lead our horse in a confident way.

If the horse notices that you can lead him in a grounded,  calm and soft way his trust in you will grow even more.

Horses will love to follow you out of trust, but they will hate to follow you if they are forced to do so (by pressuring the horse, until it comes back for example). 

Forcing a horse to follow you has nothing to do with leadership.  And it also has nothing to do with the nature of the horse (as some methods claim).

Methods based on fear and intimidation might succeed in making the horse obey but will not spark trust or build a strong connection. 

Instead you can respond to the nature of the horse and take into account the natural needs of the horse. Like the need for freedom, the need for space and distance, the need for movement, the need for giving an opinion, the need for companionship and bonding.  

It's important to look at things from the horse’s point of view. 

That's why Liberty Connection Work is the first step to true & natural connection and meaningful communication.

I can't emphasize enough that by doing the 8 connection exercises of Liberty Connection Work, you are building the strongest foundation possible. This is how horses connect. This is how they communicate. This is what I've seen so many times.

I've learned this kind of connection work by working with numerous so called "problematic" horses and traumatised horses, of which some were unpossible to approach, touch and train.

It was those horses who taught me how simple it can be. How simple interactions and communication helps them find trust again. To feel better again in the human world. To feel calm again in the presence of humans. To overcome their fears and open themselves up again and feel empowered.

Yes, with Liberty Connection Work you empower your horse! I've worked with many horse that felt helpless, fearful or unconfident when being around humans.

There are 8 connection exercises and every Connection Exercise can be done in different ways. You can spark curiosity in horses, or build trust, or set clear boundaries, or ... empower a horse by building his confidence and building mental and emotional strength.

And all that in a simple way, because that's the way nature intended life to be.



Horsewomen, don't be fooled...

In this ebook, I debunk five widespread myths about horse-human relationships. If you're still guided by these myths, they are significantly undermining the quality of interaction and the relationship with your horse.

Sign up for this free ebook "Horsewomen Don't Be Fooled" and find out if you too are still training your horse this way.

You have the power to positively change your horse's life.

So, let's embark on a journey of inspiration, motivation, and inspiraton, all while deepening the connection with your horse.

Don't miss out on the magic of Horsefulness Training.


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