In this program, I take you step-by-step through the complete basic groundwork of Horsefulness Training, building upon the liberty principles of the Horsefulness Training Connection Work.
And yes, it would have been easy to show you all the exercises with horses who are perfectly trained, selected and perform everything flawless.
But, let's be honest, what good does that do for you at home?
I chose to make the program with a different range of horses: young, old, sensitive, flegmatic, well trained, less trained. So I'm not only showing horses who already know the exercises and are trained to perfection, because that's not the situation you have at home.
You get to see how I teach the horse step by step, just as you will do at home.
In the videos you also get many invaluable tips in between that make the difference between fail and success.
E.g. what to do if you make a mistake and the horse gets confused, what to do if the horse is distracted or nervous, what if to do if the horse doesn't react the way you had in mind,...
I will show you how you can do all this with as less aids and pressure as possible.
That way your horse will be able to stay calm and relaxed. And, when your horse is relaxed, you are more relaxed, everything is more fun to do and you horse learns much better and faster.
I’ve been amazed at how thorough this program is! It teaches all the basics of training a horse on the ground and has been invaluable for me.
All three of our horses came to us with a lot of previous training—one was a former show horse, one was a barrel racing horse and the other used for trail riding. Knowing this, I figured they would have already learned all of the basic groundwork and would breeze right through the exercises.
Much to my surprise each one has had their own areas of major difficulty! It was clear that my barrel racer was never taught to yield to physical aids and my trail rider was afraid of whips!
If I had never done the exercises in this program I would have only discovered that these were problem areas for my horses at a time when it could have been dangerous.
But what’s more than having this knowledge, I have been able to help each horse through these difficulties in a manner that was fun for both of us.
I’ve found Karine’s method to be so enjoyable for both horse and trainer that the horses pick up the concepts within minutes of beginning each training session. They are so willing to learn new things when you yourself learn how to properly communicate with them.
I also love how different Karine’s approach is from every other method I’ve seen. Simple things, like teaching the horse to put its head down with pressure, are taught in quite a different manner in this method.
Karine utilizes her knowledge of horses, how they’re feeling, and what they’re saying to you at each moment to maximize your communication with the horse.
I find that my horses calm down and are really able to understand me and my aids better because of the tips Karine gives.
All three of them want to work with me whenever I go out to see them and I find it difficult on most days deciding who gets to begin the session first!
Sr. Immaculata - USA
Karine is a wonderful trainer and her method of training encompasses all learning styles. Being able to watch her videos over and over again is the perfect way to learn. Every time you watch one again you see another detail.
Her explanations are extremely clear and no detail is left out, so you end up with a thorough understanding of what you are trying to achieve and how to achieve it.
Enormous care and a lot of time has gone into producing this training programme.
Over the years I have had lessons from various different instructors and have often ended up thinking “that was a waste of £45” or whatever it cost. Not because the teachers were bad teachers but because my learning style is such that I need to really understand what I am trying to do. Just telling me to do something doesn’t work.
This for me is why Karine’s training is so good. She explains in depth what she is aiming to achieve and breaks the training down into simple steps. It works!
I also deeply appreciate the way she is so respectful to the horses she is training. It is very clear that she likes them. She takes their different personalities into consideration and fine tunes her training accordingly to suit their learning styles.
It is such a refreshing contrast to many people who want a horse to do what they want it to do and at a pace that they dictate. Karine’s methods allow the horse to develop as an individual and at its own pace.
The Horsefulness training has given me “permission” to bring my young horse on at a pace which suits us both. Doing this training has changed the prospect of training my young horse from a burden to an utter joy.
I can’t recommend it strongly enough.
Annabel Brown - UK
A module with some basics before we get started
Watch the module Lead Exercises introduction video above
In this module you will learn how to lead your horse in the 3 lead positions, and when and why you use which position.
Watch the module Touch Exercises introduction video above
In this module I'm teaching you the 2 basic touch exercises + how to do leg work, tail work and head work.
Watch the module Yielding to Physcial Aids introduction video above
This module shows you how you can learn your horse to yield for your physical aids instead of going against them.
Watch the module Yielding to Driving Aids introduction video above
In this module, you learn all about yielding to driving aids.
Because, most of the time horses communicate from a distance, you just can't do without this...
Watch the module Circle Work introduction video above
In this module we dig into the in's and out's of Circle Work.
Through body language, you teach the horse to start moving on the circle, slow down, speed up, halt, change direction,...
With many online programs you only have access to the course for 6 months or 1 year. In the Liberty Connection Program that's not the case. Here you keep lifelong access ánd lifelong support. That means you can revisit the program whenever you want.
Inside the communitiy you can get in contact with other students, and you can ask me any question you have.
This access is also lifelong, so you can always reach me when you need.
Access to the online training "Setting Your Horse Up For Success"
With this I want to express my appreciation for the Horsefulness Groundwork Program.
There’s so much respect, appreciation, admiration and honesty towards the horse and so much knowledge and experience from you.
Also the Find Your Feel part is so beautiful, so broad minded, so pure, so so …
Balance, being grounded, conscious breathing is something I was exploring deeper the past time and I was happy to also find that in your groundwork program. To see what effect this has on your horse is truly beautiful to experience.
I really want to thank you for everything until now. The program is so complete, so comprehensive. Videos, theory and the online seminars!
Warm regards,
Ornia and Lot, Pino and Present
I have done the groundwork as Karine brings with one very nervous horse and it has helped so much.
What’s great about your whole program is having no time limit. If something's not working then you can go back and repeat until you are ready again to move on. You don't feel you have to rush through to get it done in a certain time frame.
Can't thank you enough for this amazing program, your quick response to any questions and dedication to sharing your work .Big thank you!
I love Horsefulness Training because with it I found the soul of each horse...
When I met my best friend Palomino, he was a terrible horse. He was out of control, anxious, in panic for everything, aggressive, dominant, impossible to guide for a walk...
I was frustrated, I didn't know what to do. And I was fearful because he sometimes attacked people.
By applying Horsefulness Training Palomino is another horse. He became my best friend. He needed a person who could understand who he is and his playful spirit. Now he can play with me for hours (with a ball, obstacles, and so on…).
He follows me and he askes me to play... Yesterday he helped me to groom another horse, while before he was so aggressive, also with other horses!
Today, at 46 years, I'm no newbie to horse training. I've been working, and connecting with horses in liberty, groundwork and riding for over 25 years on a professional basis, fine tuning my skills and knowledge to this day.
During all these years I have learned what works and what doesn’t. And very important, I'm aware of the pitfalls most horse owners and trainers often have to deal with.
If you want to make use of my knowledge and kick-start your journey, then let me help.
Choose your option below. You can choose between the Full version and the Live Connect version. You can find out more about these 2 options below.
Choose wether you'd like to make a 1-time payment, or make use of our split payment plan to spread your investment over 6 months.
Once you've made your payment, you can create your account, and start with the first modules right away.
The Full option gives you full and lifetime access to the complete Basic Groundwork.
Questions can be asked inside the members Facebook group.
You have lifetime access to the course.
The Live Coaching option gives you everything you get with the Full option plus four live 1-on-1 coaching calls with Karine. During these calls you can ask your questions live, and Karine can review videos you send in beforehand.
or 6x €72
or 6x €122
“I don't know anything about groundwork yet. Is it possible to follow this program?”
Yes it is! The program is designed in such a way that everything is explained and showed from A to Z, so it's clear what you have to do, and how you have to do it. I would say: if you never done groundwork, then this is the moment to start, because of all the advantages it will bring you and your horse.
I love to teach novices groundwork as much as I love to coach experienced trainers how to improve their groundwork skills.
“My horse is still young, can I already start with Groundwork?”
Yes, groundwork is suitable for horses of every age. And the more groundwork you do with a young horse, the better, because you are preparing your horse for other things you will do later on, like riding, lunging, trailer loading,...
“Is this an online course that starts on a specific date?”
No, when you sign up, you can start whenever you like, even if that's only in 1 month or later. You have lifetime access and you can keep asking your questions in the private Facebook group.
Just take your time, because I'm always there to help you when you need me.
“Do I need to follow the Liberty Connection Program first?”
In my view, establishing a strong and natural connection with your horse is essential. If you feel that this connection hasn't been fully established yet, I highly recommend beginning with the Liberty Connection Program. This program serves as an ideal foundation for Horsefulness Groundwork.
However, if you're confident that your connection with your horse is already solid, you can proceed directly to Basic Groundwork.
If you'd like to purchase both programs at once, please reach out and we'll give you a package discount.
Any other questions?
So many people, so many questions. We got it. If you have a qestion that's not listed above, just drop us an e-mail. We are happy to assist.
© Karine Vandenborre - Horsefulness Training. All Rights Reserved