June 3rd, 2024
By Karine Vandenborre
Time to choose for yourself ánd your horse
not enjoying training your horse so much?
Many women don't always admit that they don't enjoy training their horse so much and actually want to learn more about natural connection and communication in liberty.
They long for a more natural approach.
They long for true companionship.
They long for a natural interaction with their horse, instead of only “training” their horse.
Sometimes, they don't speak up because they fear what their stable mates might say. After all, isn't a horse meant to be ridden? Shouldn't it be trained “seriously” several times a week?
Do you recognize this feeling? That you're afraid to speak honestly about what you long for? Because you might face criticism for preferring Liberty Connection Work?
other people's opinion
The fear of others' opinions can greatly impact your horsewoman's life!
Isn’t it time to choose for yourself?
To choose for your horse?
A deep, natural connection based on horses' natural bonding and meaningful communication makes all the difference. I've guided horsewomen and their horses from all over the world through this, and each time again, there's a remarkable difference in their relationship.
Don't let anything hold you back
If you feel that this is what you want or need to do, don't let anything hold you back.
In the "traditional" horse world, this kind of work can still face criticism simply because it's unfamiliar, and many still see horses merely as animals to ride.
But you know better.
What you feel, you must do.
Follow your heart!
Liberty Connection program
Curious about what Liberty Connection Work can mean for you and your horse?
Have a look at the Horsefulness Liberty Connection Program where you get my full and dedicated help.
PS: If you found the article inspiring, I'd be grateful if you could share it on your social media profiles! Your support means the world to me, and I truly believe that other horsewomen can benefit from the message too.
Remember to tag "horsefulnesstraining" (on facebook) or #horsefulness_training (on insta) when you post. Thank you so much for helping spread the word!
© Karine Vandenborre - Horsefulness Training. All Rights Reserved